Server | Mode | Map | Type | Results | Clients | End time |
[ Effic Republic ] | effic_ctf | haste | public | 10 | 2017-11-14T16:13:55.567Z | |
:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | insta_ctf | abbey | public | 20 | 2017-11-14T16:08:15.247Z | |
:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | insta_ctf | authentic | public | 12 | 2017-11-14T13:03:40.498Z | |
Blackhole | instagib | turbine | duel | vaQ'Aiurz 109 98 vaQ'Erika | 2 | 2017-11-12T17:28:12.475Z |
:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | insta_ctf | face-capture | public | 20 | 2017-11-07T15:31:37.444Z | |
:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | insta_ctf | hallo | public | 13 | 2017-11-07T15:22:08.787Z | |
:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | insta_ctf | forge | public | 19 | 2017-11-04T10:30:11.662Z | |
:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | insta_ctf | reissen | public | 16 | 2017-11-04T10:23:06.221Z | |
!s open | effic_ctf | haste | mix | 10 | 2017-11-03T21:56:46.264Z | |
!s open | effic_ctf | reissen | mix | 15 | 2017-11-03T19:54:39.511Z | |
!s open | effic_ctf | pandora | mix | 15 | 2017-11-03T19:41:37.844Z | |
!s open | effic_ctf | mc-lab | mix | 18 | 2017-11-03T19:28:13.275Z | |
!s open | effic_ctf | forge | mix | 16 | 2017-11-03T19:12:39.561Z | |
:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | insta_ctf | campo | public | 13 | 2017-11-03T15:49:03.162Z | |
/dev/open2 | instagib | turbine | duel | vaQ'Aiurz 119 83 s3xy|B.Brecht | 2 | 2017-11-02T19:55:24.113Z |
Blackhole | instagib | turbine | duel | vaQ'Aiurz 112 67 |noVI:miu | 4 | 2017-11-02T17:07:31.449Z |
:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | insta_ctf | face-capture | public | 33 | 2017-11-02T16:55:14.764Z | |
!s #1 | effic_ctf | haste | mix | 8 | 2017-10-29T18:11:05.259Z | |
!s #1 | effic_ctf | haste | mix | 8 | 2017-10-29T18:09:05.142Z | |
!s #1 | effic_ctf | forge | mix | 7 | 2017-10-29T17:53:36.088Z |
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