!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf forge | public | 19 players | 2017-11-04T10:30:11.662Z

4robert38123.17035% Russian Federation
1*_Thankol_*18161.13033% France
1paklet14170.82023% Australia
1JazzMan13101.3031% Austria
1EDY10190.53021% India
1Tuxx10120.5050% France
0[PL]Kopatyƛ8120.67016% Poland
0XD~212040% Germany

1VoiceOfTruth17190.89129% Russian Federation
1~16190.84124% New Zealand
0vaQ'Aiurz51173145% Switzerland
0razvan20191.05021% Romania
0Old-Man11200.55025% Germany
0E...1081.25125% Romania
0Sandokan6140.43040% Poland
0{camper}dkfl-51130.33020% Russian Federation
0Bomber431180.0615% United Kingdom
unnam(&)d France
..,-*O*-,.. Germany
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