!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 20 players | 2017-11-07T15:31:37.444Z

6Dormouse31261.19129% United Kingdom
5Fusselfrei19320.59131% Germany
4Kryptel16330.48021% Italy
3Пapтизaн21240.88122% Russian Federation
1vaQ'Aiurz97204.85048% Switzerland
1murdog26211.24127% United States
1Zabiatko14300.47221% Poland
0Inky220181.11037% Germany
0unarmed9240.38015% Netherlands

0[RUSS]julia47202.35042% Russian Federation
0X3Q23320.72030% Germany
0Motorhead19141.36029% Germany
0lee-wales-uk12130.92130% United Kingdom
0makh12390.31113% Uganda
0BroncoBamma5110.45018% Germany
0><130.33033% Azerbaijan
0R3XD_18+140.2508% Saudi Arabia
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