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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 32 players | 2018-02-04T21:46:10.053Z

3-_-_-_-_-21161.31224% France
3geh_kacken19240.79023% Germany
1[tBMC]Stub37221.68133% Russian Federation
1PrintScreen23290.79036% Germany
1(&)Penne22230.96219% Malaysia
1|Firefox!|19220.86125% France
1Drahtpantoffel460.67026% Germany
0GovRonaldReagan26251.04127% United States
0Junk16260.62010% United Kingdom
0ji9230.39021% France
0The_OG_Crapchut6110.55020% United States
0Unamed422040% France

3J20201019% Belgium
0(&)Vermicelli52232.26041% United States
0morgot35172.06031% Australia
0TrianG31231.35030% Latvia
0Midnyt325191.32024% Germany
0PeterParker25300.83026% Italy
0Fake19121.58027% Netherlands
0meme9140.64015% United States
0TwojaStara842025% Poland
0murdog723.5022% United States
0lagzi732.33046% Germany
0Freddy5130.38022% Germany
0cube----1234563170.1808% Uruguay
0(&)Torchio150.2020% Germany
0[tBMC]bo02000% United States
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