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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf wdcd | public | 22 players | 2020-04-20T23:09:17.906Z

6(&)Penne3120.25012% Germany
3(&)Tagliatelle22112032% France
1Headway89108.9061% Russian Federation
1G!11140.79018% Mexico
1leloup7110.6408% Australia
1[vrte]pie2160.1328% Australia
0Back2WiredISP2292.44027% Russian Federation
0murdog13113025% Australia
0Dustyfungus13121.08023% Australia

0tits22240.92041% Australia
0PantySniffer17230.74027% Australia
0Radekman14230.61031% United States
0sbas11230.48018% Mexico
0Eberhard7280.25017% Germany
0inbredobama570.71035% Russian Federation
0Nippers4110.36225% Germany
0ScheissHippie390.33012% Germany
0(&)Capellini3180.17311% Germany
0Krawattenbinder140.2508% Germany
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