!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Netherlands

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insta_ctf mbt1 | public | 24 players | 2018-02-18T16:08:27.143Z

4bukutis27280.96022% Lithuania
3echtjetzt45222.05039% Germany
3XD~23310.74018% Germany
2(&)-(&)22211.05030% France
1sellu21230.91426% Finland
1CMB19230.83030% France
1IssWass9250.36020% Germany
0Dummbrot24241226% Germany
0Steno2.0991037% Italy

1LuckyLag39341.15037% Germany
1paklet37281.32232% Australia
1acolarh27320.84026% Denmark
1CARO232260.0849% Uruguay
0=DK=hamon22112135% Germany
0JimiFrusciante12220.55012% Germany
0Snoopy690.67027% Switzerland
0Kek4130.31115% Nepal
0J340.75050% Belgium
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