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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf reissen | public | 34 players | 2018-02-04T21:25:14.600Z

2[tBMC]bo13190.68215% United States
1Boddy32340.94038% France
1geh_kacken16280.57124% Germany
1diff.tlEquation6290.21120% Austria
0VoiceOfTruth40241.67238% Russian Federation
0SaTa38271.41130% Pakistan
0J32281.14031% Belgium
0jigga-j24300.8035% United States
0-_-_-_-_-17141.21128% France
0Kryptel13200.65022% Italy
0o-oh5260.19116% United States
0Toranaga3130.23011% Switzerland
0meme1210.05025% United States

1named31171.82123% Germany
1conebone15290.52032% Germany
0Raiden46301.53239% Serbia
0PeterParker42351.2134% Italy
0Дeд36182135% Russian Federation
0Samarrah28281326% Austria
0(&)Penne19300.63220% Malaysia
0|Firefox!|7260.27113% France
0Midnyt34130.31112% Germany
0[tBMC]Stub00000% Russian Federation
0(&)Marille-213-0.1506% United Kingdom
0brius56-1031-0.3236% Germany
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