!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf bad_moon | public | 17 players | 2018-01-31T14:21:56.119Z

3Fusselfrei17210.81018% Germany
2Boddy28251.12130% France
1herrolli13260.5131% Germany
1no4270.1527% Russian Federation
0noob8150.53019% Latvia
0RavagingBootox460.67036% United States

4Blo@dHo$ND14250.56011% South Africa
2s3xy|NinJa'2692.89240% France
1oxya25191.32239% United Kingdom
0Tarantino2692.89027% Italy
0TYph00n.Elevate23201.15129% Croatia
0Ibex11815141.07024% Switzerland
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