!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf garden | public | 19 players | 2018-01-19T16:07:04.876Z

2-NC-angst41231.78027% Austria
2Drahtpantoffel14280.5035% Germany
1AlessioLombardi431.33044% Germany
0Gauss-Krüger41104.1140% Germany
0slash28191.47026% France
0damien63920250.8225% France
0Dry_Gulch7120.58017% United States

1Abod90k24250.96120% Saudi Arabia
1Dr.V3g4n19250.76114% Germany
0EDY25171.47021% India
0{camper}dkfl-5122300.73025% Russian Federation
0BubbingSrubble21240.88126% United States
0alv801000% France
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