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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf abbey | public | 26 players | 2018-01-08T21:47:57.235Z

3Flint60351.71044% Germany
3bright36241.5436% Russian Federation
1Gambit20290.69023% United States
0c@mp3r37211.76146% Germany
0J35231.52027% Belgium
0echtjetzt21240.88021% Germany
0Dr.DMT17230.74024% Germany
0Dam15190.79236% Italy
0Error14270.52024% Germany
0s3xy|Jumper9120.75047% Russian Federation
0QWERTY|SPAIN7120.58029% Spain
0Vince_s_590.56120% United Kingdom

3:bkz46291.59344% Belarus
2#!RE26320.81239% Russian Federation
1Grandma43331.3031% Germany
1Mick3y27290.93021% Kuwait
1MoDjAbILA11310.35011% Austria
0ChuckTesta26261130% France
0Rokinator200019280.68120% France
0Chief_Nick12280.43113% United States
0AMG8310.26412% France
0senpai741.75035% Germany
0Zoch560.83027% Switzerland
0Neko.441135% Germany
attn Romania
Px1 Germany
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