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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf snapper_rocks | public | 18 players | 2017-12-30T21:38:17.819Z

2Xoxoxo15220.68119% United States
1зaмпoлит33191.74021% Russian Federation
1B@@l27191.42131% Germany
1patomareao24191.26126% Spain
0Sweeper101175.94150% Germany
0[RUSS]Peпин20280.71127% Russian Federation
0RRRRRRRn118320.56127% Russian Federation
0SidTheeSloth10140.71031% United States
0DrumDuck240.5050% Germany

1sellu9310.29125% Finland
0dem56RUS31271.15032% Russian Federation
0LuckyLag30350.86035% Germany
0Neko.29330.88027% Germany
0HugeBone5120.42030% Russian Federation
0bryancamacho3350.09018% Uruguay
0Glu><Glus1140.0706% Belgium
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