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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf redemption | public | 26 players | 2017-12-30T20:56:20.033Z

2maxsuper18300.6316% Russian Federation
2[PL]DON16270.59016% Poland
1Shikijo49222.23041% United States
1HugeBone29231.26021% Russian Federation
1RRRRRRRn125280.89129% Russian Federation
1Atheist9340.26018% Germany
0VoiceOfTruth32311.03227% Russian Federation
010101031291.07128% Germany
0[RUSS]Peпин16141.14026% Russian Federation
0Asphaltfraese16250.64026% Germany
0Kim13210.62033% Switzerland
0Bs|OFFENBURG11111025% Germany

1J37271.37037% Belgium
1Runnix28231.22138% Italy
1sellu13240.54023% Finland
0зaмпoлит41281.46132% Russian Federation
0[tBMC]Duke35301.17029% United States
0Grizzler25360.69227% Germany
0I,Robot15190.79017% Germany
0Maxi2214240.58017% Argentina
0una13160.81017% Germany
0ji12260.46118% France
0reverb1171.57055% United Kingdom
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