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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 20 players | 2017-12-30T00:18:35.943Z

2зaмпoлит35341.03025% Russian Federation
2Perussola21360.58019% Italy
0nusportocaliul58193.05244% Romania
0Shaynen35360.97135% Belgium
0BMWI821360.58226% France
0sellu20300.67233% Finland
0Px113350.37218% Germany
0cH'Salatiel10460.22213% Brazil
0tikkel120.5050% Germany
0lucas_00000% Italy

0pts81204.05336% Mexico
0(&)Lasagnette60371.62038% United States
0ratzfatz5596.11050% Germany
0Santa39301.3230% Mexico
0!$[Nub]13160.81023% United States
0nappycrosshairs10430.23017% United States
0martillo4350.11019% Uruguay
0its_me270.29017% Egypt
0liL'Myco1130.0818% United States
Mutscher Germany
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