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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf mbt1 | public | 20 players | 2017-12-28T12:40:15.181Z

6{camper}dkfl-5116320.5125% Russian Federation
3asd20201024% Finland
3nothing17280.61019% Austria
1Fast&furious66154.4053% Netherlands
1Mu23240.96030% United Kingdom
1L'Occitan15250.6126% France
0Fsa24201.2123% Poland
0Mr.X9230.39210% France
0Jolly-Jedi5120.42031% Uzbekistan

3Molejao22280.79124% Germany
2orange38241.58038% Romania
2FragorDovahkiin35311.13035% Italy
0Mac-Rond23290.79224% France
0Skan0s22330.67024% Germany
0CPT.Groovy16290.55124% United States
0c@mp3r15111.36041% Germany
0XD~7180.39019% Germany
0RasmusXVI5130.38120% Sweden
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