!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf abbey | public | 27 players | 2017-12-27T21:27:56.007Z

2undefined62302.07135% Russian Federation
1Dry_Gulch14210.67035% United States
1Kryptel14260.54018% Italy
1kraizel12180.67122% United States
1a_theory12290.41012% United States
0bzdump59252.36241% Romania
0nosecrap28161.75042% Denmark
0ufftata23211.1431% Germany
0Perry23211.1040% Luxembourg
0CHAKALL1381.63028% Bulgaria
0Null531.67022% United States
0imperialking-123-0.0435% India

2tobleroned6220.27412% United Kingdom
1Wiz2W54c12290.41138% France
1Bonmare6220.27113% Austria
1Slip-de-Trefle4240.17021% France
0Sweeper93293.21155% Germany
010101030310.97132% Germany
0SoulWyvern2724260.92138% Luxembourg
0Px120230.87027% Germany
0nanar19340.56022% France
0ABC17270.63119% Germany
0CMB8270.3116% France
0StyxVoid221020% Germany
0Die140.2508% United States
XD~ Germany
KeN Germany
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