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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf garden | public | 28 players | 2017-12-27T21:17:28.381Z

2Slip-de-Trefle2230.09216% France
1Neutron43281.54031% France
1ABC25270.93024% Germany
110101022260.85117% Germany
1Wiz2W54c1310.0301% France
0Sweeper71282.54246% Germany
0Shisui47182.61146% Italy
0bzdump40123.33239% Romania
0tuta35162.19027% Serbia
0SoulWyvern2718210.86032% Luxembourg
0Santa15200.75025% Mexico
0Dry_Gulch12130.92027% United States

0undefined70262.69235% Russian Federation
0ufftata26261127% Germany
0a_theory24231.04125% United States
0023112.09052% Serbia
0Cat22400.55222% United States
0Perry21330.64126% Luxembourg
0Bonmare16300.53014% Austria
0nanar13390.33115% France
0CMB7350.2015% France
0tobleroned313060% United Kingdom
0swagduckboi3290.102% Tunisia
0warrior1370.0304% India
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