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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf flagstone | public | 22 players | 2017-12-27T20:56:29.055Z

1Sweeper91214.33051% Germany
110101025251125% Germany
1Sandokan10200.5028% Poland
0undefined56222.55033% Russian Federation
0ratzfatz27161.69032% Germany
0ufftata23211.1028% Germany
0Santa18210.86026% Mexico
0SoulWyvern2717290.59033% Luxembourg

1Slip-de-Trefle6290.21018% France
0[FD]Venera57202.85041% United States
0Perry32281.14032% Luxembourg
0Mr.X19220.86021% France
0Cat17171036% United States
0putin17290.59024% Poland
0WernerVoss11250.44015% Germany
0CMB4190.21019% France
0Wiz2W54c4370.1107% France
0warrior1290.0305% India
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