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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf valhalla | public | 27 players | 2017-12-26T16:38:09.714Z

2conebone23151.53034% Germany
1SHIELD45143.21034% Hungary
1Stainless31142.21037% Germany
1tox22211.05027% Russian Federation
1citizen_chris20191.05130% Australia
1evil.lord.vader17200.85017% Poland
1shotgun680.75025% United States
0didisan32271.19051% Germany
0WernerVoss1262023% Germany
0Scary861.33016% Russian Federation
0Grizzler212020% Germany
0leva150.205% Georgia

1tiralerio31251.24029% Poland
1Mu21280.75028% United Kingdom
1EDY16220.73018% India
1Asphaltfraese590.56021% Germany
1Drahtpantoffel1140.07012% Germany
0putin29161.81037% Poland
0Stinkybob27261.04036% United Kingdom
0Wiz2W54c23260.88033% France
0*Bs|Springbok20260.77028% South Africa
0(&)Stortini11330.33027% Germany
0lavakalaS8230.35313% Russian Federation
0_fly150.205% Germany
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