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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf suburb | public | 20 players | 2017-12-20T12:38:38.985Z

2SHIELD50202.5233% Hungary
1Salatiel14210.67112% Brazil
1Trololo5220.23211% Belgium
0'eS|Ozma20121.67024% Pakistan
0[RUSS]ZveR1343.25029% Russian Federation
0|GM|Nooby690.67018% Austria
0(&)Farfalle1100.113% Netherlands

1Roro-The-King18151.2119% France
1umbifx14200.7033% Italy
1Stinkybob14210.67115% United Kingdom
1axelsche13200.65012% Germany
0ABC17151.13020% Germany
0User14220.64018% Ukraine
0GrüneKatze12140.86012% Germany
0Bs|OFFENBURG02000% Germany
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