!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf spcr | public | 20 players | 2017-11-30T19:47:09.963Z

3conebone27330.82022% Germany
2mr_muh35390.9030% Germany
1ABC24330.73022% Germany
1Spectator22290.76027% Germany
1isidore_shandy8390.21212% Germany
1(&)Couscous6290.2119% United States
0yourself8160.5018% Sweden
0Winston3120.25018% Belgium
0X3Q00000% Germany

5razvan45202.25134% Romania
5|LaTn|Edux15180.83015% Peru
4.l.20220.91120% Finland
1CPT.Groovy9260.35018% United States
0|RB|Partizan109166.81043% Serbia
0<fire>33191.74127% Italy
0Galgan18200.9023% Slovakia
0Ragnar5250.207% Poland
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