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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf l_ctf | public | 27 players | 2017-11-30T19:36:40.624Z

4mr_muh25270.93122% Germany
4Kryptel17220.77216% Italy
3Spectator19220.86123% Germany
1LuckyLag45222.05033% Germany
1conebone33301.1027% Germany
1syl17260.65123% France
1Ragnar11290.38130% Poland
1ABC290.2208% Germany
0xS'Phönix43192.26133% Germany
0Player233231.43025% Italy
0revolve20201016% United Kingdom
0carter18260.69133% United States

1ibins27280.96123% Germany
1|LaTn|Edux25290.86220% Peru
1.l.18230.78220% Finland
1(&)Couscous17290.59019% United States
1isidore_shandy16300.53117% Germany
0SHIELD51271.89030% Hungary
0CMB26241.08027% France
0Galgan25211.19124% Slovakia
0razvan1591.67026% Romania
0devin11200.55220% United States
0CPT.Groovy11350.31114% United States
0|RB|Partizan1025047% Serbia
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