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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf abbey | public | 27 players | 2017-11-10T18:25:19.953Z

5Dormouse20111.82031% United Kingdom
4Kryptel3140.2108% Italy
2BroncoBamma28122.33145% Germany
2[rus]unmomento18111.64231% Russian Federation
1[RUSS]julia20161.25033% Russian Federation
1Dr.V3g4n12111.09216% Germany
1Tchetchko12130.92037% United States
1Atheist480.5036% Germany
0Neko.20151.33146% Germany
0Bonebreaker1171.57022% Russian Federation
0KondrK1081.25026% Serbia
0swagger515023% United States

1yam12140.86120% Germany
1SexyDoll690.67026% Russian Federation
0piat30152042% Poland
0Stefano.14141037% Italy
0CLEMZ11170.65027% Belgium
0Mac-Rond11180.61136% France
0PitJup9160.56017% Germany
0[GER]Gram8140.5706% Germany
0marp7130.54015% Germany
0[PL]Kopatyƛ5110.45015% Poland
0wall-e4190.21015% Germany
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