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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf asgard | public | 23 players | 2017-10-30T16:24:02.369Z

4ElMuerto13170.76029% Germany
3BroncoBamma45114.09050% Germany
1[RUSS]julia23121.92029% Russian Federation
1c@mp3r21121.75045% Germany
1Perseus_0610101043% Germany
1JustMe10120.83021% United States
1Kinkto260.33020% Austria
0BubbingScrubble661028% United States
0simibetyar4180.22017% Hungary
0TAIMAA-110-0.117% Italy

1BadAss25211.19046% Germany
1Mrbit11190.58022% Italy
0AlessioLombardi28231.22039% Germany
0AlexDelPiero17180.94027% Italy
0deadPasta13190.68032% Germany
0look13240.54225% Italy
04erep942.25031% Russian Federation
0z851.6050% United Kingdom
0Winston6220.27027% Belgium
0Dr.V3g4n331017% Germany
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