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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf valhalla | public | 22 players | 2017-10-26T16:22:03.819Z

1ww|wolverine33171.94030% Romania
1Baal12180.67012% Germany
0E...37191.95040% Romania
0Bonebreaker1572.14036% Russian Federation
0Winston15340.44020% Russian Federation
0[RUSS]julia12180.67023% Russian Federation
0Atheist9230.39036% Germany
0żółć7100.7022% Poland
0Faust00000% Norway

3Oignons31191.63029% France
2yam41192.16046% Germany
0c@mp3r35251.4041% Germany
0SegaPluto30211.43027% United States
0JAZZOCC20201021% Germany
0SplashMash13230.57046% United Kingdom
0don'tkillme13240.54119% France
0your_mother260.3306% Germany
0Maserati160.1705% Germany
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