!mpressive Sauer Tracker

Rugby Land | France

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insta_ctf capture_night | public | 20 players | 2017-07-01T08:29:24.845Z

7Yoda19310.61022% Austria
4ayat18300.6025% Iran, Islamic Republic of
3li'lfluf45271.67138% Latvia
2gogreen-noodles18350.51127% United States
1alguien53281.89339% Argentina
1Keizi27350.77015% China
0-NC-angst981.13031% Austria
0lee-wales-uk240.5050% United Kingdom

3Silence38241.58134% Germany
3ww|Ozma23290.79120% Pakistan
1-=GN=-|G.Reaper45241.88046% Germany
1Meshuggah24280.86041% Poland
1POTUS17340.5023% United States
0Badass25231.09030% Germany
0ww|wolverine1061.67013% Romania
0Billy10230.43027% Australia
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