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Rugby Land | France

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insta_ctf reissen | public | 18 players | 2017-07-01T08:18:55.189Z

8Yoda10160.63016% Austria
3Badass1262131% Germany
1Old-Man11280.39019% Germany
1POTUS751.4029% United States
0li'lfluf24280.86025% Latvia
0mad.cat8230.35126% Czech Republic
0-=GN=-|G.Reaper450.8026% Germany
0eu00000% Romania

2Keizi18230.78018% China
1alguien31132.38142% Argentina
1ww|Ozma30201.5122% Pakistan
1ayat380.38015% Iran, Islamic Republic of
0gogreen-noodles10260.38114% United States
0Billy2190.11013% Australia
0Silence130.33050% Germany
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