!mpressive Sauer Tracker

Rugby Land | France

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insta_ctf haste | public | 17 players | 2017-07-01T07:16:22.135Z

4Flint61282.18148% Germany
2ScrappyCoco31271.15233% Germany
2Faust4110.3609% Norway
1POTUS15230.65122% United States
1Wolfenheim12250.48112% India
0Viktor-y6250.24013% Czech Republic

2ww|Ozma31291.07026% Pakistan
0JeebusSheist58262.23040% Romania
0(&)Cannelloni16101.6040% Japan
0Silence15190.79026% Germany
0nonamos7779200.45013% Russian Federation
0ILAN2170.1205% Germany
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