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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf hallo | public | 27 players | 2020-07-11T15:59:15.578Z

5murdog2292.44024% Australia
4QWERTY|SPAIN1791.89022% Germany
2hurt_fillings29142.07045% Germany
2Fauci20250.8035% Germany
2ELKuKuY14121.17121% Japan
2[fr]RED>F-O-X3220.14110% France
1fractal52114.73062% Italy
1KRL5100.5022% Russian Federation
1Veteran-17-0.1427% Germany
0EdgeOfImpish8170.47024% United States

0niinistö34172033% Finland
0Steno2.018121.5043% Italy
0someone14250.56024% United States
0B@@l_in_time9110.82020% Germany
0<--NotreDame-->832.67034% France
0eat_my_bubbles761.17029% Australia
0TingTong7180.3906% Slovenia
0xзктo3160.19015% Russian Federation
0Mero|tee|05000% Germany
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