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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 15 players | 2020-07-11T13:25:39.641Z

4magn24181.33033% Russian Federation
3run21201.05019% Russian Federation
2Toranaga18200.9021% Switzerland
1(&)Amstrad_GX4k25181.39033% Germany
1ansharora5220.23015% India
0peugeot20610130.77023% Croatia

1[RUSS]julia35221.59139% Russian Federation
1tuta22112141% Serbia
0Ag!21131.62144% Germany
0Mr_FuckyouUp8160.5040% Italy
0Mero|tee|8260.31012% Germany
0mpt651.2021% Germany
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