!mpressive Sauer Tracker

~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 19 players | 2020-07-10T22:09:01.568Z

5wlkn45212.14036% Australia
3XzAs15160.94026% Germany
2murdog2764.5329% Australia
2xoxo380.38017% Russian Federation
1arthriticanus22250.88022% Australia
0Lil'Negro26241.08118% Australia
0JustMe16170.94022% Australia

2NeverGonaGiveU^7160.44012% Australia
1Kopatel21161.31042% Russian Federation
1Crowd>a-monster21211026% Germany
1schnitzel9170.53016% Germany
0tuta33231.43123% Serbia
0a4Tech14250.56030% Hungary
0ThyArtisMurder7270.26025% Germany
0klo380.38115% Germany
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