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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf forge | public | 13 players | 2020-07-06T05:38:27.190Z

32hu22181.22119% Australia
3RocketSauce2200.1011% Australia
1|DM|trackpad62144.43058% Australia
1030112.73044% Serbia
1KMLBazz9130.69011% Jamaica
0Titus10200.5031% United States

1Sabrina30320.94125% United States
1eat_my_bubbles27271019% Australia
0gbyte18270.67016% Russian Federation
0(WU)old'dirty4200.206% Chile
0Abdolban230.67015% Russian Federation
0lsv280.25022% Ukraine
0miko212130.15011% Australia
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