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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf tejen | public | 23 players | 2020-06-26T14:20:46.101Z

4westernheld13270.48019% Germany
1KonichiWAAA20240.83028% France
1[nF]loca1190.0502% Saudi Arabia
0xFox39172.29030% Italy
0ЫTЬ28171.65126% Russian Federation
0Diode22191.16131% Australia
0Ravioli1161.83052% Italy
0Sabrina422040% United States
0JesusWillReturn350.6018% Russian Federation
0}{0тT@БЬ)Ч101025% Belarus

2FlaskStealsRL43202.15140% Russian Federation
1[nF]addixn31201.55036% India
1bin_schon_tot28290.97229% Germany
1schnitzel10230.43020% Germany
0B@@l_in_time9100.9023% Germany
0CoronaZombie460.67036% Germany
0Mac-rond4130.31026% France
0Arx00000% Indonesia
0(&)Filini00000% Germany
0leopard018000% Italy
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