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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 21 players | 2020-06-25T16:17:19.315Z

4Tunix31112.82042% Germany
3tuta35231.52035% Serbia
3PeasePudding1091.11038% Italy
2{camper}dkfl-5112140.86030% Russian Federation
1Gintonic42133.23038% Italy
1BiteItYouScum13160.81034% Germany
1HuevoColgandero11111021% Germany
0PocketRocket14200.7024% Sweden
0tas&cerWIN7220.32013% Russian Federation

0w00p|salvia59212.81052% France
0murdog17171022% Australia
0Ag!13210.62018% Germany
0Phantomas7210.33024% Mexico
0fab6190.32017% France
0QWERTY|SPAIN4100.4016% Germany
0TheButcher1170.06010% Germany
0bin_schon_tot00000% Germany
0a_theory01000% Australia
0culone-15-0.210% Italy
leftrightscum Unknown
010010 Germany
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