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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf l_ctf | public | 24 players | 2020-06-24T17:42:42.311Z

3Winston29281.04033% United Kingdom
2Zack47182.61225% Germany
2Fusselfrei25310.81129% Germany
1|RB|__FRY__70174.12334% Russian Federation
1Mac-rond28370.76236% France
1rars15131.15023% Germany
0(&)Amstrad_GX4k27271120% Germany
0RedTurtleX16220.73226% Australia
0Blak_pantegana16280.57127% Italy
0LollaBunny13111.18024% Bulgaria

3Perussola29310.94023% Italy
2HuevoColgandero11270.41215% Germany
1Starve16170.94039% Czech Republic
1Drahtpantoffel9360.25030% Germany
1Mr_FuckyouUp7360.1919% Italy
0Jazzman39391242% Sweden
0WF[CATALONIA]35191.84042% Russian Federation
0peugeot20628300.93220% Croatia
0Mero|tee|8210.38017% Switzerland
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