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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 17 players | 2020-06-16T22:12:08.036Z

5Mindless1391.44125% Australia
4CHAKALL20151.33023% Bulgaria
2(&)Gemelli11140.79021% Italy
0fractal34103.4042% Italy
0Hamburg52981.13128% Germany
0Jeff431.33066% Japan
0Nix303075% Germany
0superKIKI230.67016% France

3Behemoth11210.52022% France
3IndyRef29200.45113% Italy
0smerf_maruda13250.52022% Russian Federation
0conebone1052040% Germany
0LollaBunny9100.9052% Bulgaria
0a_theory460.67016% Australia
0ScheissHippie3190.1607% Germany
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