!mpressive Sauer Tracker

~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 24 players | 2020-06-16T18:51:56.851Z

4Wollmilchsau22151.47032% Germany
2CHAKALL37201.85129% Bulgaria
2conebone31311022% Germany
1O.M31291.07035% United Kingdom
1xFox27300.9027% Italy
1LollaBunny9180.5042% Bulgaria
0tuta54242.25031% Serbia
0YoMomma25211.19030% Portugal
0bjk.whbnfhjlesa17121.42025% Italy
0Phantomas8230.35118% Mexico
0patomareao01000% Germany

101001014350.4011% Germany
0Zowie50281.79045% Germany
0olive41311.32145% Italy
0costy691120320.63126% Romania
0FurzKanone19220.86017% Germany
0Midnyte~16180.89051% United States
0murdog14114063% Australia
0rars12310.39014% Germany
0apf7420.17016% Australia
0Kemelled4170.24011% Jamaica
0(CoV)J4N350.6015% Slovenia
Zoch Switzerland
opfer Sweden
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