!mpressive Sauer Tracker

~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf wdcd | public | 20 players | 2020-06-16T17:07:01.068Z

3LoveLemon40162.5025% France
3Crowd>a-monster35251.4135% Germany
2CHAKALL22270.81022% Bulgaria
2megadeth8230.35011% Italy
1ouch56301.87035% Germany
1<=SrdN=>15250.6016% Italy
1Sauerkraut2100.206% Australia
0abcd8270.3013% Japan

3Cuddle|BradPitt18340.53017% Germany
0Zowie60242.5140% Germany
0fractal41341.21040% Italy
0bjk.whbnfhjlesa25191.32020% Italy
0[RUSS]julia1653.2040% Russian Federation
0PatientZero12160.75022% United Kingdom
0Mr_FuckyouUp12250.48023% Italy
0LollaBunny010125% Bulgaria
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