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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf forgotten | public | 23 players | 2020-06-11T21:00:00.096Z

3Polyamid21250.84033% Germany
2-\Crash/-20210.95315% Germany
2a_theory16180.89022% Australia
1KoндpK32181.78232% Serbia
1WF[CATALONIA]17111.55231% Russian Federation
1KingPIng$$$13160.81137% Japan
0VoiceOfTruth25191.32232% Russian Federation
0Phantomas150.2018% Mexico
0Wollmilchsau00000% Germany

4CHAKALL22260.85022% Bulgaria
2Tristan05[OIT]3110.2705% Switzerland
1Zowie45241.88052% Germany
0pimp29261.12132% Italy
0Kopatel23250.92123% Russian Federation
0NTFA18290.62121% Germany
0smd10290.34022% Norway
0apf3240.1307% Australia
0murmouse1110100% Russian Federation
0nothing04000% Sweden
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