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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf flagstone | public | 12 players | 2020-06-09T10:59:15.479Z

2Vodka-The-King10220.45116% United Kingdom
0Halandir43202.15133% Italy
0300.baguettes28241.17223% New Zealand
0Mert20220.91023% Germany
0<=SrdN=>1481.75035% Italy

1run590.56026% Russian Federation
0Momo38241.58127% Germany
0Roro-the-King23231026% France
0Mac-rond20350.57022% France
01GewinnBitte?12240.5020% Germany
0Maqx[Flips]771019% Germany
0Ken0bi4180.22010% France
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