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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf haste | public | 22 players | 2020-06-08T13:45:59.309Z

3CyberSmurf30191.58130% Germany
1tuta_44hz46212.19036% Serbia
1XÆA1227221.23220% Portugal
0addixn57242.38241% India
0Mero|tee|7180.39011% Germany
0(&)Spaghettini7220.32111% Germany
0stupidreptiloid680.75016% Russian Federation
0pb3140.21015% Germany
0Mr.Zoosman08000% Russian Federation

2scorici26340.76117% Romania
1conebone29330.88130% Germany
1vety15141.07133% Slovakia
1CeвepныйBapяг6270.2214% Russian Federation
0{camper}dkfl-5125310.81029% Russian Federation
0emma17240.71225% Germany
0F!!!***15131.15123% Turkey
0Epicur8100.8130% Russian Federation
0UkrainaForever221028% Ukraine
0run260.3308% Russian Federation
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