!mpressive Sauer Tracker

~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf abbey | public | 24 players | 2020-05-31T21:57:54.931Z

4hummus16200.8126% Germany
3dp2632171.88034% Germany
330021151.4224% New Zealand
2Zowie35181.94047% Germany
1SemiDrunk28171.65125% Germany
1apf15230.65025% Australia
0movingWall30152227% United States
0(&)Gemelli15180.83021% Italy
0EndTheLockdown14150.93023% Italy
0|SM|negus741.75033% Hungary
0AR|Sh1n0b1641.5026% Australia
0ЫTЬ380.38018% Russian Federation

1Maisels_Weisse13270.48121% Germany
1Blade_Runner7260.27016% Russian Federation
0yourFEAR59252.36047% Germany
0X_Æ_A-1218250.72422% Portugal
0grotovonbismark17180.94027% Australia
0Behemoth13280.46218% France
0Ultraboy1042.5142% Germany
0FckLoL9320.28118% Germany
0Brazenrod8230.35017% Australia
0LollaBunny280.25115% Bulgaria
0BabaLAN-120-0.0549% Germany
CyberSmurf Germany
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