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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 27 players | 2020-05-23T20:05:45.313Z

5Briareos22221020% Mexico
2Kemelled12190.63113% Jamaica
1TheHEROESSS27241.13025% Turkey
0=DK=hamon62262.38150% Germany
0|DM|Cedii*51242.13238% Germany
0justapingthing34191.79022% Australia
0Nix32291.1131% Germany
0Kartins24280.86027% France
0B@@l19280.68016% Germany
0apf11250.44015% Australia
0LollaBunny9110.82031% Bulgaria
0(&)Gomito8260.3116% Slovenia

2tox16340.47117% Russian Federation
1=Crash=50301.67226% Germany
1John33281.18335% France
1(&)Tagliatelle20191.05228% France
1angrymob19370.51119% Russian Federation
0Murrr45291.55032% Germany
0Tatwaffe21340.62021% Germany
0Darmfee20181.11031% Germany
0lederstrumpf15320.47022% Germany
0ji260.33212% France
0ausgerechnetLea090011% Germany
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