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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 16 players | 2020-05-20T23:08:42.931Z

5QWERTY|SPAIN24201.2225% Germany
3damnnoob6200.307% Portugal
1THEZ9220.41116% France
0bingobangobongo29171.71243% Italy
0TheHEROESSS11160.69023% Turkey
0LollaBunny741.75033% Bulgaria
0barsinson1150.07219% Germany

0Zowie27171.59038% Germany
0El38|Spectrum27181.5028% Russian Federation
0unbekannt15141.07132% Germany
0Covid-Free7200.35025% Romania
0ELKUKUY5140.36015% Japan
0Zap185210.24117% Germany
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