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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf twinforts | public | 25 players | 2020-05-19T17:20:52.319Z

3NarcS_ArE_CrazY15240.63014% United States
2[GD]-Michi-2200.104% Germany
1The_Dandy53232.3042% Italy
1movingWall33251.32027% United States
1On18111.64030% Russian Federation
1alf4300.1308% Russian Federation
0[Potrash]Riko27271127% Kazakhstan
0BrutoBarbuto23181.28030% Italy
0Mac-rond890.89030% France
0bin_schon_tot590.56019% Germany

3Dr_Monkey18210.86124% France
1ICC|cubelibre580.63025% Italy
0Rich+hoes.hpp65222.95237% United States
0PeasePudding40271.48036% Italy
0Midnyte~29132.23038% United States
0Tengrichan2692.89038% Hungary
0UkrainaForever15360.42223% Ukraine
0bigBoybob380.38025% Australia
02019-CoV3290.126% Russian Federation
0zan2270.0718% Slovenia
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