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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf damnation | public | 19 players | 2020-05-19T14:51:27.500Z

3run18171.06123% Russian Federation
3Dragan15210.71028% Germany
1Entro.ddos14180.78019% Germany
1SHIELD1025058% Hungary
1Ag!10310.32211% Germany
0El38|Spectrum40192.11140% Russian Federation
0s6120.5120% Russian Federation
0murmouse2100.2016% Russian Federation

1ElMuerto32181.78041% Germany
1wall-e832.67046% Germany
0Mr.1%Bln21181.17025% Germany
0a_theory16121.33139% Australia
0Alpha13190.68017% Italy
0!s]Andris1171.57040% Latvia
02019nCoV8180.44118% Russian Federation
0Fineszes480.5012% Hungary
0[Potrash]Riko3140.21121% Kazakhstan
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