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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf wdcd | public | 25 players | 2020-05-15T16:47:16.356Z

6-NC-angst31152.07031% Sweden
3addixn25161.56037% India
3(&)Tagliatelle13180.72031% France
3UkrainaForever4220.18013% Ukraine
2Mero|tee|2200.115% Switzerland
1ICC|cubelibre31132.38028% Italy
1FlaskStealsRL21141.5024% Russian Federation
1Ghtrye16141.14026% France
0(&)Lumache24161.5023% Germany
0fatmonkeygenius1326.5061% Germany
0DeathKnight_HUN7120.58021% Hungary

0[RUSS]julia38123.17132% Russian Federation
0Cuddle|BradPitt21220.95025% Germany
0Dr_Monkey20210.95123% France
0JL|FilsDePute19220.86026% France
0Crowd>Riko1691.78028% Kazakhstan
0makh10230.43112% Uganda
0Newbee|Scarlett9230.39010% Sweden
0unbekannt8120.67015% Germany
0_fly7200.35114% Germany
0#!RE5230.22010% Russian Federation
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