!mpressive Sauer Tracker

~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf gubo | public | 19 players | 2020-05-12T21:15:25.463Z

3yourFEAR46162.88348% Germany
3Snape11250.44012% Russian Federation
2Hector26151.73023% United States
1Chief_Nick15180.83218% Australia
1shiro15180.83421% Italy
0iwrestledabear78164.88043% United States
0(&)Tagliatelle8110.73032% France
0Paelos5120.4209% France

1Zack27191.42220% Germany
1JustMe20370.54026% Australia
0bingobangobongo25251027% Italy
0c00l_stick19310.61122% Australia
0JAZZOCC18280.64122% Germany
0Dragan15260.58314% Germany
0+Bazzled-9280.3219% Jamaica
0gersomm3110.27010% France
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