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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 23 players | 2020-05-12T21:06:54.413Z

4murmouse16200.8021% Russian Federation
3tuta43143.07134% Serbia
2El38|Spectrum24141.71028% Russian Federation
2Zack23191.21019% Germany
2(&)Gemelli12121017% Italy
1Hector27141.93031% United States
1+Bazzled-14270.52015% Jamaica
0iwrestledabear6178.71039% United States
0huaaaaaaaaa890.89019% Germany
0hahahaJHHUIASGU01000% Italy

1(&)Tagliatelle6100.6026% France
0JAZZOCC31261.19034% Germany
0bingobangobongo26191.37233% Italy
0Snape13220.59016% Russian Federation
0Dragan12330.36020% Germany
0hummus8310.26020% Germany
0c00l_stick7190.37012% Australia
0[fr]Green>F-O-X7210.33016% France
0JustMe7260.27013% Australia
0Chief_Nick6240.2506% Australia
0Paelos111016% France
Phantomas Mexico
(&)beer Germany
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