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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf nucleus | public | 23 players | 2020-05-12T20:48:06.877Z

4(&)Tagliatelle27290.93028% France
2JAZZOCC36271.33134% Germany
1Hanni.cppm38221.73129% Germany
1NarcS_aRe_CrazY15290.52116% United States
1Chief_Nick13210.62118% Australia
1Darmfee12190.63035% Germany
0ЫTЬ24340.71024% Russian Federation
0yourFEAR422057% Germany
0Krizzlybaer2150.13010% Germany
0El38|Spectrum02000% Russian Federation

4CoronaZombie50281.79252% Germany
1Crowd>sata48281.71142% Russian Federation
1tuta30271.11126% Serbia
1Zack26270.96220% Germany
1Hector14250.56124% United States
0Dragan22360.61034% Germany
0hummus14270.52124% Germany
0guix9130.69018% Italy
0JustMe230.67040% Australia
0+Bazzled-01000% Jamaica
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