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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf gubo | public | 18 players | 2020-05-11T21:51:29.752Z

4Headway71213.38059% Russian Federation
4+Bazzled-8250.3218% Jamaica
2IndyRef214210.67219% Italy
1=Laggy-Jumpper=12220.55014% Japan
1(&)Pastina1120.0817% United States
0Lag...64183.56048% Germany
0(&)Gemelli732.33031% Italy

3JustMe22340.65024% Australia
1JAZZOCC20270.74119% Germany
1#!RE7200.35024% Russian Federation
0name37311.19139% Romania
0Жыcтянщиг12190.63032% Belarus
0LollaBunny11150.73023% Bulgaria
0ScheissHippie7340.21010% Germany
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